Friday, October 28, 2005

Perry Mayne and Darrel Thompson are Assholes!!

"I'm not going to go crazy, I'm not going to quit work," said winner Perry Mayne.

Thompson says he too will probably continue to work, but at a different job.

These two pricks just won $3,193,806.58 each!!!!

Do some simple math you retards!

Even if you make $100,000/year, you'll have to work for 31 years to earn $3.2 million. That's without earning interest either!

Let me tell you what to do you freakin morons!

Spend $1M on house, cars, cottage, etc...
Invest the remaining $2.193,806.58 and live off of the interest.

If you have no mortgage, car payments, loan payments, then you should be able to easily live well off of the interest.

Enjoy your life!

But seriously... I'm at least glad that the $54 million jackpot was split between 17 winners. It would have been a shame for it to go to only 1 person.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Darcy Tucker Wallpaper

Sunday, October 16, 2005

George Carlin on New Orleans

I received this via email. I have no clue if it was really written by George Carlin. Who cares... several excellent points are made.

I've been sitting here with my ass in a wad, wanting to speak out about
the bullshit going on in New Orleans. For the people of New Orleans :

First would like to say, Sorry for your loss. With that said, let's go
through a few hurricane rules: (Unlike an earthquake, we know it's coming)

#1. A mandatory evacuation means just that. Get the hell out. Don't
blame the Government after they tell you to go. If they hadn't said
anything, I can see the argument. They said get out, if you didn't,
it's your fault, not theirs. (I don't want to hear it, even if you
don't have a car, you can get out.)

#2. If there is an emergency, stock up on water and non-perishables.

If you didn't do this, it's not the Government's fault you're starving.

#2a. If you run out of food and water, find a store that has some.
Remember, shoes, TV's, DVD's and CD's are not edible. Leave them alone.)

#2b. If the local store has been looted of food or water, leave your neighbor's TV and stereo alone. (See #2a) They worked hard to get
their stuff. Just because they were smart enough to leave during a
mandatory vacation, doesn't give you the right to take their's
theirs, not yours.

#3. If someone comes in to help you, don't shoot at them and then
complain no one is helping you. I'm not getting shot to help save some
dumb ass who didn't leave when told to do so.

#4. If you are in your house that is completely under water, your
belongings are probably too far gone for anyone to want them. If
someone does want them, let them have them and hopefully they'll die
in the filth. Just leave! (It's New Orleans..find a voodoo warrior and
put a curse on them)

#5. My tax money should not pay to rebuild a 2 million dollar house, a
sports stadium or a floating casino. Also, my tax money shouldn't go
to rebuild a city that is under sea level. You wouldn't build your house

on quicksand would you? If you want to live below sea-level, do your
country some good and join the Navy.

#6. Regardless of what the Poverty Pimps Jessie Jackson and Al
Sharpton want you to believe, The US Government didn't create the hurricane as a way to eradicate the black people of
New Orleans ; (Neither did Russia
as a way to destroy America. The US Government didn't cause global
warming that caused the hurricane (We've been coming out of an ice
age for over a million years).

#7. The government isn't responsible for giving you anything. This is
the land of the free and the home of the brave, but you gotta work for
what you want. McDonalds and Wal-Mart are always hiring, get a damn
job and stop spooning off the people who are actually working for a living.

President Kennedy said it best..."Ask not what your country can do for
you, ask what you can do for your country."

Thank you for allowing me to rant..

George Carlin

Monday, October 03, 2005

Federal Severance Package

Since when do you get a serverance package if you quit your job? I thought it was only if you were laid off that you'd get a serverance package?

I can't believe that David "Dingbat" Dingwall will get a $500,000 severance package when he's been billing us for his bubble gum during his time as boss of the federal mint.


I don't know who I'm going to vote for in the next election, but I can tell you it won't be a Liberal. I'm fed up. I know that many people will argue that they're all the same. They may be right, but that shouldn't stop us from showing our anger towards this type of mis-spending of tax payer money. Adscam alone should be enough to kill the Liberal party, but Canadians are too stupid to do anything about it.

Don't cry foul when more scandals come out... just kick yourself in the ass for voting them into the office to begin with!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

MLB tie-breakers

My brain hurts! I'm still trying to find out how the Yankees clinched first place today? They are 1 game up on the Red Sox with one game to go... against Boston. One would think that if the Red Sox won that game, the two teams would be tied and then a tie-breaker game would be played on Monday.

I definitely heard someone on the news say that the Red Sox had to win 2 of 3 in the final series to force the 1 game playoff on Monday vs the Yankees.

If someone can post an explanation of the rule (in English!) please do so before I injure my brain trying to work it out.