Monday, April 25, 2005

Review: Guy's Night (April 22, 2005)

Well it took me a couple of days to write about last Friday night's "Man-Date", but I think the overall assessment is that it was a success.

Somehow we found enough booze for everyone to get tanked even though Delage showed up with a 24 of empties! How strong do you have to be to not notice if you're carrying empties or a full case?

How is it that 8 guys making decent coin all show up to the party with exactly enough alcohol to get themselves drunk? Then one guy shows up sans-alcohol and the ratio is blown out of whack. Thanks to a late night recon by the Crookster and Menard's winery, we all still managed to get pretty twisted. I think Derek officially shut us down at around 4:30am.

My suggestion for the next Man-Date is that everyone has to take at least 2 more beers/drinks than they "think" they need for the night. God forbid that the host has a few leftovers! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Ryan: Terrorist Identification

There was a picture of Wolfgang Droege in the paper today. He's the neo Nazi "Hate Monger" that was found dead yesterday.

Ryan thought he was a terrorist just by looking at his picture. He said he could tell by the beard.
A co-worker who sits in the cubicle next to me has a beard... is he a terrorist or a hate monger?

So... if you're a white male with a beard you can expect delays at the border! If you were ever looking for a reason to shave off your beard you can thank Ryan for this one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

All newspapers will be free (or close to it)

I love the 2 new free daily newspapers in Ottawa.
I'm currently a National Post subscriber at the amazing price of $5/month for the first 6 months, but I might stop after that.

The 2 free papers I'm talking about are Metro and Dose.
As long as you live in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver you should be able to find it all over the place.

The National Post still delivers a fantastic Financial section, which may entice me to stay on as a subscriber.

The Ottawa Sun has already reduced their daily price to 25 cents.

Currently Reading...

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Pretty good so far. A tad too many religious references though.
The question is, will I practice what it preaches?

I'm also reading James Patterson's "Black Friday".
As with all of his books that I've read so far, this book is an easy read and very entertaining. I really love the way he keeps his chapters short. For some reason it seems easier to read that way?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Another view. Posted by Hello

My most satisfying home reno yet! Posted by Hello

Before.... Posted by Hello