The Amazing Race 7
Even though it's been known for weeks who won (apparently Vegas odds for Uchenna & Joyce were heavily in favor of them right off the bat) , I was still dissapointed to see them win the race. Especially considering that Rob and Amber were the only team of the remaining 3 that didn't get one of those bullshit "non-elimination" free passes.
What's up with that?!?
To me, if you lose a leg of the race you should be sent packing. You suck!
What differentiates Uchenna & Joyce from all of the other teams that were eliminated? They all finished last in a leg of the race. They just had a non-elimination a couple of weeks ago when Ron and Kelly finished last. I was pissed when they weren't sent home and I'm pissed that Uchenna & Joyce weren't sent packing too. If you want to make the game longer, just add a couple of teams!
And why is it a security risk to get Rob and Amber on one flight but they re-dock the plane later on for Uchenna & Joyce? Considering that every team was against them from the start I still think Rob and Amber should have won.
At least in the Amazing Race the best teams have a shot at winning, unlike Survivor where the strong get voted off and the weakest players duke it out to see who the others hate the least.
As if Bruckheimer would let the winner of Survivor take home the top prize on his show too. I'm a sucker for thinking he might.
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